A lot of aspiring sex coaches and those new to the profession wonder how they will find clients to fill their practice. Far more people need the assistance of a sex coach than you may realize. You just have to learn how to reach the people you’re best suited to help. This article can help.

The world we live in, unfortunately, is still by and large a sex negative place. Many people carry a heavy burden of sexual shame, though they wouldn’t usually describe it that way. Instead, they’ll say other things, like:

  • “I want to want sex, but I just don’t”
  • “I’m afraid to share with my husband what I want in bed”
  • “I’m worried she’ll think I’m creepy if I ask her out”
  • “What will they think of me if I tell them I’m bisexual?”
  • “I’m afraid I’m not ____ enough to have the sex life I want”

Be aware—once you learn to recognize sexual shame, you won’t be able to unrecognize it. It can be almost overwhelming to realize how nearly universal sexual struggles are, and how poorly society and culture at large equip people to thrive in their sexual lives.

The work of sex coaches is so needed. Every one of the concerns listed here is something a highly trained and qualified Certified Sex Coach™ can guide their client through, moving them toward where they want to be. This means there is no shortage of potential clients waiting to work with you.

The question, instead, is how will you find the sex coaching clients you are ideally equipped to serve? The short answer: by becoming visible in the right places and known to the right people.

State Your Intention

As a new professional or sex-coach-in-training in the field, you may worry you don’t yet know enough to start sharing your career intentions with the world. You may be thinking you will have to wait until you are certified before you tell anyone of your plan to become a sex coach. 

Your first step is to declare your intention to the world. Today. State “I am a Certified Sex Coach” or “I am a sex coach in training” loud and proud. Share it on your social media. Tell your friends. Add it to your bio. For you to find sex coaching clients, you must become visible as a sex coach and willing to own your title.

Read more: “Shy About Calling Yourself a Sex Coach?

Build an Audience

woman sits on a coach with her laptop building an audience

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

While you can’t work 1:1 with clients until you’re certified, you can begin building an audience from day 1. And, if you’re newly certified, or if you’ve been in practice for a while, building your audience is a necessary process for as long as you are in business.

Start where it is easiest to do so. If you enjoy writing, start a blog. If you’re on social media 24/7, start a page or a group related to your sex coaching work. Don’t worry about being perfect—the further you go through your studies, and the longer you are in practice, the more you will refine your approach to cultivating an audience of your ideal clients.

Then, engage with your audience consistently. Find a rhythm for showing up, so that prospective clients have the opportunity to like, know, and trust you. Stuck for what to share with your audience? Consider the topics related to sexuality that light you up, that you are deeply curious about, or that you believe are the most important to creating change.

Know Your People

After you’ve started building an audience, you have a chance to refine your approach. You do that by having a clear and detailed picture of who your ideal clients are. While you certainly can consider demographic factors like age, gender, and geographic location, you will be able to more powerfully connect with your ideal clients when you also deeply understand them on a personal level.

What keeps them up at night? How would they describe themselves? How would they talk about what they want from their sex lives? What are the most common concerns they have? 

Deliver Value

Once you understand your ideal clients intimately, it’s time to show up where they are. Go to the forums where they discuss their challenges. Appear on the podcasts they listen to. Get visible in the groups they participate in. Engage with them where they are and wow them. Share resources. Answer questions. Provide insight and aha moments.

In all cases, show your expertise, don’t tell. By engaging in genuine and valuable conversations with your ideal clients, you build real relationships. Invite deeper interaction by letting them know the next step they can take to connect with you and your work. You might invite them to join your newsletter list, join your group, or book a call with you. Pick the right next step on the basis of what you know about your people.

Read more: “Effective Facebook Posting Helps Build Connection and Authority”

Build Your Network

Some of the people you meet as you show up in the places where your ideal clients hang out will become your sex coaching clients. What about all of the other folks you meet and interact with? By showing up consistently and engaging authentically, you become known. And even if someone isn’t going to become your client, they may know others who would be a perfect fit.

Always share where you can be found with your audience. Make it easy for people to refer others to you. Leave an excellent impression everywhere you go.

Become known for your area of expertise—for the clients you love working with and the sexological concerns you’re excellent at resolving—in your wider circles, too. Find professional colleagues working in complementary areas and forge connections. Let them know who they can refer to you, and get to know their expertise, too, so that you can send people their way.

Finally, as your client roster grows and clients wrap up their work with you, pay attention to how you bring closure to the relationship. Ask for testimonials, and invite your clients to refer others to you who they believe could benefit from your work. Remember—apart from you, the people who know your work and its transformative power most intimately are your clients!

When you ask yourself, “How will I find sex coaching clients?”—know that there is an abundance of people in the world looking for exactly the services you offer. You will find amazing clients by showing up, being seen, and becoming known.

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