Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Enrolled students at Sex Coach U are issued and expected to digitally sign an official Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
This signed, official document is required to launch the study process. This learning and business contract outlines the following items:
- Assurances about what Sex Coach U provides to the student,
- The end dates for completion of the selected Training Program,
- Assurances by the student acknowledging copyright on all Sex Coach U materials received,
- Assurances that the student comprehends their role as an enrolled student.
Sex Coach U will never reveal, divulge, share or sell a student’s confidential information to any other entity. Enrollment at Sex Coach U is a privilege and a protected experience.
We give full assurances, as we do with all of our private sex coaching clients, to:
- Uphold the student’s right to privacy,
- Follow ethical business practices,
- Show integrity in our business capacity at all times, and provide the services and products we offer only to those who we deem able to uphold our Code of Ethics and to follow the rigorous training and certification programs that make Sex Coach U a worldwide leader in the field of sex coaching.
In summary, we assure our enrolled students 100% confidentiality.
Refund Policy
We endeavor to provide all of our students with a positive learning experience at Sex Coach U. We also expect enrolled students to uphold the responsibility for self-directed learning and completion of their training and certification within the given time frames, according to the specific Training Program and Course in which they have enrolled.
All students should review the Training Program information to ensure understanding of those expectations for compliance in completing their studies.
We offer a refund of payment, minus the initial payment plan installment or its equivalent if tuition is paid in full, within thirty (30) calendar days of enrollment. This applies if a student chooses to leave Sex Coach U, or if they are not satisfied with the quality of their training materials, or if they have become unable to fulfill their obligations as agreed in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
After the initial “refund period” of thirty (30) calendar days, we cannot offer any refunds. The actual “refund period” occurs from the day on which the Sex Coach U New Student Orientation materials are sent to the student. No student will be granted a refund of any amount after the closing of the “refund period.”
We will, however, make every attempt possible to allow extra time, or alternative training opportunities, or attendance at our hosted Live Events, if a refund is requested after the “refund period.”
Applying to Our Program
After THREE enrollment applications to our program, we no longer accept further applications. Extenuating circumstances apply on a case-by-case basis.
Sex Coach U Tuition & Additional Fees
Tuition at Sex Coach U, for the Core Certified Sex Coach™ program and for the Business of Sexuality Specialists (BOSS) program, includes access to proprietary Sex Coach U training materials delivered through the Online Learning Platform. Proprietary training materials include video lectures, study guides, workbooks, and additional documents provided on the Online Learning Platform.
Additionally, Sex Coach U tuition includes access to the twice monthly community webinars, the secret SCU Facebook community, access to weekly group coaching and group supervision calls, weekly peer coaching practice sessions, Student Advisor reviews of 4 module summary workbooks, and (where applicable) the practicum experience.
Sex Coach U tuition does not include the following additional expenses:
- SAR tuition. SAR is required for graduation. Throughout the program, students will be recommended SAR programs that reflect SCU’s ideals for education. However, students are allowed to attend any SAR by any provider of their choice and use that toward their graduation requirements. If you want to know whether or not a SAR program is associated with SCU, please email your Student Advisor. If you have attended a SAR within 3 years prior to the start of your studies at Sex Coach U, you may talk to your Student advisor about whether this counts towards your requirement.
- ASPEX tuition. ASPEX is not required for graduation. ASPEX is recommended for SCU students and graduates. Occasionally, a limited number of scholarship places are made available to SCU students by application only, which represents a significant discount on ASPEX tuition. There is no guaranteed SCU student discount.
- Additional learning materials. Throughout the curriculum at Sex Coach U, you will be asked to acquire books, films, and, occasionally, other materials that support your learning journey. Some of these materials are required, and some of these materials are recommended. Your three primary textbooks are included in the cost of your tuition. You may choose where to purchase these materials. You may also choose to borrow the books and films, for example, from libraries, friends, or family. If you have any concerns about your ability to access additional learning materials, please contact your Student Advisor. Customized requirements may be applied on a case-by-case basis.
Tuition Scholarship Availability
All scholarship applicants are subject to the following criteria:
- The applicant must demonstrate financial need,
- Pass an interview with a member of the SCU team and be approved for admission,
- And provide a personal statement explaining why they want this scholarship and how they will use this training.
Further, scholarship recipients agree to be acknowledged publicly on SCU materials and to provide a photograph.
Scholarships may be awarded to anyone who falls into one of the following categories:
C. Someone with a documented disability or other special circumstance
D. Someone who resides in Poland (for our Robert Dunlap Memorial Poland Scholarship)
Completion of Training within Timelines
Students have a total of 18 months to complete the Core Certified Sex Coach™ program and 12 months to complete the Business of Sexuality Specialists program.
For students enrolled in the Full Program, the BOSS materials will be released six (6) months after the start date of the Core program.
If a student has qualified for enrollment bonus sessions, the bonus sessions must be used within this time frame, prior to the end date listed on the student’s memorandum of understanding.
You must pay any outstanding balance in full before receiving access to your final course prior to graduating and earning your certification.
If a student does not submit completed materials due to being inactive for a period of at least six (6) months, they will be notified of possible suspension of their Enrolled Student Status.
Study Expectations/Student Help
Our Curriculum Team is available on a limited basis to provide one-on-one assistance upon request. Student Advisors are available upon request for more in-depth consultation and assistance as a fee-based service. Most of the help a student will need can be obtained from other students via our secret Facebook group.
Course Materials Access
Core Sex Coaching Program (21 courses)
- Lectures
- Readings
- Supplemental media
Business of Sexuality Specialists Program (13 courses)
- Lectures
- Readings
As a bonus to our enrolled Core students, we offer access to archives of past webinars, audio lectures, dissertations, and articles written by our graduates, and other designated materials at our discretion.
BOSS Exclusive students have access to a library of business-related webinar recordings. These are supplemental to your learning process and are neither required nor guaranteed to remain available.
Lapsed Students and Extension of Time to Complete Training
Students at Sex Coach U have 18 months to complete the Core Certified Sex Coach training program and 12 months to complete the Business of Sexuality Specialists training program. Lapsed students are students who cease making timely tuition payments or who are unable to complete training within the stated time frame.
Sex Coach U reserves the right to allow lapsed students to resume studies on a case-by-case basis. A restart fee may apply. If the tuition for the Certified Sex Coach training program has changed since the lapse, the balance of tuition will be due in order to complete the program. Tuition must be paid in full prior to graduation.
Students are required to sign an addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding when receiving an extension of time to complete training. Lapsed students who have not been active for over 5 years must re-apply for admission into the program. Such students must provide proof of courses completed and documentation of payments made, along with their signed Memorandum of Understanding.
Termination of Training
We also retain the exclusive right to terminate a student’s ability to receive training at Sex Coach U for any reasons that we deem appropriate, including but not limited to a student’s non-compliance with stated policies or the Code of Ethics. We will always make our best attempts to resolve any problems with a student before making the ultimate decision to terminate their ability to continue their training at Sex Coach U.
Earnings Disclaimer
We don’t believe in “get rich” programs — only in hard work, adding value, building a real and professional career, and serving others with excellence and constancy. Our programs are intended to help our students share their message with a wider audience and to make a difference in the world while growing their personal brand.
Our programs require work and discipline, just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. Individuals are encouraged not to enroll in our programs if they believe in the “money for nothing, get rich quick” myth. We only want people dedicated to real professional development who want to add value and move humanity forward.
As stipulated by law, we cannot and do not make any guarantees about any individual’s ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.
We want to help by providing a consistently high level of excellence in content, direction, and strategies. All products and services offered by Sex Coach U are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax, or other professional advice.
Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, or in any of our materials, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Making decisions based on any information presented in our products, events, services, or website, should be done only with the knowledge that risk or losses are possible, just like with any entrepreneurial endeavor. We encourage applicants to use caution and to always consult their accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or to one’s business or finances.
Each student is solely responsible and accountable for their decisions, actions, and results in life. By registering here, they agree not to attempt to hold us liable for their decisions, actions, or results, at any time, under any circumstances. We feel transparency is important, and we hold ourselves (and our students) to an incredibly high standard of integrity. That’s why we link to our policies on all our pages and why we provide our contact information for any questions.
Sex Coaches In Training
A Sex Coach In Training (SCIT) is anyone who is in the Sex Coach U Core Certified Sex Coach™ program and has not graduated, including successfully completing their Practicum with faculty approval.
Ethical standards apply at all times. If you are not fully trained or ready, you shouldn’t be working with clients professionally for pay or claiming yourself to be a professional sex coach.
Sex Coach U encourages students to begin building their sex coaching business from day one and offers students suggestions and guidelines for paid and unpaid activities that SCITs may engage in to build their businesses while in training. Sex Coach U recommends that SCITs serve paid clients only after, at minimum, completing all of the Sexology courses and assessments.