Are you ready to turn your passion for sexual wellness into a fulfilling career?
When you become a Certified Sex Coach, you’ll do just that. Plus you’ll enjoy financial security, schedule flexibility, and location freedom!
Imagine…answering your calling and launching your dream career
You’re passionate about sexual wellness and you long to make a career out of helping people resolve their sexual concerns while making a positive impact on your community.
But in these challenging times, you may be wondering: Can I really have a career that feeds my soul AND allows me to feed my family?
We’re here to tell you: Hell, YES! You can have it ALL!
You can find career happiness, economic stability, freedom to be yourself, and deep job satisfaction from PIVOTING into a new career as a sex coach.

Why would you want to become a Certified Sex Coach?
❤️Control your own financial destiny.
❤️Work whenever and wherever you want, and still make enough income to weather whatever storms come your way.
❤️Have the freedom and flexibility to keep up with household chores, to indulge in your hobbies, to spend time with your kids.
❤️Make enough to pay off your home, your car, your student loans, and even start saving for retirement.
What if you could even confidently take time off to care for your whole self: body, mind, heart, and spirit?
And what if you could do all this while building a career you love, doing something you’re passionate about, and that is so satisfying, it feels more like answering a higher calling than working at a job?
❤️If you’re the person all your friends turn to for sex advice…
❤️If you’ve started a blog, a podcast, or a YouTube channel to share sexuality education…
❤️If you’re already working with some aspect of sexuality and want to enhance your knowledge, expertise, and reputation…
❤️If you want to be the go-to sexuality professional for your community…
❤️If you know that the way you want to change the world is to make it a much more sex-positive, pleasure-positive, and consent-based culture…
❤️And if you are longing to leave a soul-sucking job or stop working yourself to the bone as a struggling entrepreneur…
Then, you may want to become a sex coach!
SCU Gave Me the Tools
“SCU has been so enriching & gave me the tools to guide my clients to their sexual fulfillment.”
Doris Michelleti, USA & Italy, SCU Graduate

Imagine…being respected around the world
This is the perfect time to pivot and start a new career doing something you love that will give you the freedom to live the life you want.
And we’re the perfect sex coach training and certification organization to help you manifest all of your career and lifestyle dreams.
We developed the very first sex coach training and certification program in the world and have achieved global recognition and respect for our comprehensive, evidence-based training.
In fact, we’re the only program recognized by the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS).
At Sex Coach U, we give you everything you need to know, do, and have in order to confidently step into your new role as a Certified Sex Coach.
And we support you all along your journey.
Plus, you can complete our online program at your own pace from the comfort of your home, or anywhere else in the world!
Our approach is holistic, heart-centered, and love-driven. And we teach you to bring those same qualities to your work with clients.

Imagine…knowing exactly what clients might need and knowing YOU can deliver

At Sex Coach U, we honor your experience and we celebrate your passion for sexual wellness!
Our comprehensive SCU curriculum teaches you both SEXOLOGY (the “what”) and COACHING (the “how”).
So, when your patients, customers, or clients come to you asking for sexuality guidance, you will know exactly what they need and how to help them resolve their sexual concerns.
Plus you’ll get ample opportunities to practice what you’re learning during our frequent group coaching and live practice sessions each month.
Click here for more info on our SCU curriculum.
You’ll master our holistic, evidence-based system for conducting clinical assessments and action plans. This system was developed by the pioneer of the profession of sex coaching, Dr. Patti Britton, who also co-founded Sex Coach U.
The name of this model is the MEBES® Signature System, which stands for Mind, Emotions, Body/Behavior, Energy, and Spirit—the five realms that comprise our sexual selves.
If you’re drawn to a holistic model for helping clients resolve their sexual concerns, Sex Coach U is the right training for you.
And if you’ve been longing to pivot into a career that:
- Fulfills you,
- Makes a positive difference in the world,
- And helps bring about more sex positivity…
Then there’s no better time than the present. The right time is right now.
SCU Taught Me How to Have a Successful Business
“The highlight of the program for me was how thorough it was. The program is structured that it gives you all of the tools and resources you need to really open up a solid and financially successful business in the field of clinical sexology.”
Dr. Valerie Poppel, Bethany Beach, DE

Imagine…thriving as an entrepreneur while being a great clinician
You may already be helping people resolve their sexual concerns in some way. You might even be getting paid for it.
If you had specialized business and marketing training, uniquely tailored to your new career as a sexological clinician, imagine how much more effective and financially successful you could be.
At Sex Coach U, in addition to the sexology and coaching training, we provide you with our brand new Business Quickstart training to get started as an entrepreneur. You’ll be empowered to launch your new sex coaching business.
The Business Quickstart is a 14-day intensive that will give you what you need to land your first 5 (or next 5) clients.
You will be equipped to achieve financial freedom within months of earning your certification.

Imagine…being part of a global family of like-hearted peers
When you enroll at Sex Coach U, you join an incredibly tight-knit, loving, supportive family that spans the globe and includes people from all backgrounds.
You will become part of this professional network of like-minded and like-hearted peers as soon as classes start.

During your training, you’ll have numerous opportunities to plug into the community and get direct support from your peers and the Student Advisors.
What you’ll get when you enroll in the SCU Certification “Mastery Path”:
❤️ Live interactive webinars
in sexology, coaching, or business with special guest presenters who are experts in their fields🌟Stay In the Know
We help you stay on top of the hottest, new trends and approaches.
❤️ Live group coaching and mentoring sessions
with Student Advisors and peers🌟 Connect in Real Time
You get multiple opportunities to interact with and get support from your advisors and fellow students in real time.
❤️ Peer coaching practice sessions
Focus on one coaching skill at a time🌟 Practice Makes Perfect
These practice sessions help you feel competent and confident about working with clients directly.
❤️ Monthly book club
featuring important books in our field🌟Read, Reflect, Relate
You get to dive deep into juicy topics related to our profession and reflect on how those topics affect you.
❤️ Curated intensives
often live or hybrid, like our SAR program🌟Ready to Go Deep?
You’ll enjoy these fantastic opportunities to study with us in person.
❤️ Private FB group
for our students and graduates🌟A Vibrant Community
You’re always connected and can get or give guidance, support, and information any time of day or night.
❤️ Business Quickstart Program
BONUS #1: Launch your career quickly and confidently with this powerful mini business training🌟 Ready to Launch!
You’ll learn the foundations for getting your first 5 clients in this 14-day intensive training.
❤️ We Buy Your Books!
BONUS #2: Your textbooks include The Art of Sex Coaching book by Dr. Patti Britton🌟 Off to a Great Start
Being able to secure your books at no extra cost to you means there’s nothing holding you back from diving in right away!❤️ Fast Action Discount!
BONUS #3: You'll receive $500 off your tuition if you submit a $500 deposit during your interview🌟 Time to Take the Leap
We love rewarding people who are so dedicated to their own growth and ready to launch their new career!
After you graduate, you’re entitled to fast-track membership in a number of professional organizations, to keep you connected to your peers and providing you with an instant professional network.
You’ll never feel alone as a sex-positive professional again.
By this time next year, you could be graduating with your Certified Sex Coach credential, empowered to change your corner of the world for the better.
It’s time to pivot and shine your unique light.
The Community Will Always Be With Me
“My journey through SCU was and always will be a pivotal and defining moment in my life. The experience was not only educating, but inspiring. And the community I now have will always be with me.”
Barbara Handel, Certified Sex Coach

Imagine…stepping into your power today
Here’s some advice:
Take a deep breath and drop down into your heart. Feel into what it is you truly desire.
❤️ It’s your heart that will help you know if this opportunity is right for you.
Imagine the excitement you’ll feel when you make the decision to enroll, the first step on your journey to a much more fulfilling life.
Imagine the confidence you’ll enjoy when you graduate from this program, ready to launch your thriving private practice.
Imagine your future as a successful sex coach.
So what’s your heart saying?
Are you ready to take the next step?