The Sex Coach U Curriculum is divided into 21 courses across four Modules, each of which consists of elements of our comprehensive approach to earning your Certified Sex Coach credential. Our Sex Coach U program features a triadic model, covering coursework in the three categories of Sexology, Coaching, and our unique Integrated Sex Coaching courses, which synthesize and extend what you learn in the Sexology and Coaching courses for an even richer experience.

We are proud to offer the Integrated Sex Coaching pathway that maximizes our goal of preparing you with the top-level knowledge, skills, and practical application you need to become a seasoned professional.

Scroll below to review all of the courses included in the Sex Coach U program.

Module 1: The Foundations of Sex Coaching

101: Introduction to Sex Coaching

As an aspiring sex coach, you’re training to become part of a small, elite community of professionals. The work you’ll do is unlike any other, even within the field of sexology! Why is that? It’s time to learn exactly what sets you apart in this career and why your services are so valuable.

In this course, you’ll:

  • Learn what makes sex coaching its own profession and where it fits in the broader field of sexology
  • Understand the subtle but important differences between sex coaching, sex therapy and other professions within sexology
  • Learn about the leading organizations that promote sexual rights, distribute sexuality-related information, and/or offer sexual health services, sexuality education or credentialing.

102 : Overview of Clinical Sexology

In order to join the ranks of the experts, it’s important to learn about them and their contributions to our field. How many of these famous figures in sexology will you recognize? Whose practices, models, and ideologies will have the biggest impact on your future sex coaching practice? There’s only one way to find out.

In this course, you’ll learn about:

  • Sexology 101: What is Sexology? And where did it come from? You’ll understand the context, breadth and current trends within sexology as its own area of study.
  • Kinsey, Masters and Johnson, and more: You’ll learn about the major historical figures in sexology and how they have helped us understand human sexual behavior today.
  • Betty Dodson, Beverly Whipple, and beyond: You’ll learn about the key contemporary figures in sexology and their significant contributions to how we approach working with clients today.
  • How you can use sex coaching to work with the complex needs of your future clients.

103: Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

Gender and sexual orientation were never binary, they are a full spectrum! As a sexologist and sex coach, it is vitally important that you are knowledgable about gender and sexual diversity because you never know what your clients will bring to you.

This course will help you:

  • Learn essential information about Gender, Sexuality, and Relationship Diversity (GSRD) and why gender and sexuality are spectrums, not binary.
  • Learn about the political and social climates that affect LGBTQIA+ / GSRD communities and how you can be an ally as a sex coach.
  • Differentiate between different types of love.
  • Learn about the Kinsey and Klein scales to better understand sexual orientation and behavior.
  • Discuss what it means to you to be a man or woman today and gain insights on the trans experience.

104: Values & Sexual Rights

It’s not enough just to be sex-positive, you need to know about sexual rights and why sex coaches need to stand up for them. You also need to be aware of your own personal values and beliefs and discover where you need to grow to be an even more effective sex coach.

In this course:

  • You’ll be introduced to the SAR process and why it is an essential component of your development as a professional sex coach.
  • You’ll explore and define your values around sexuality. Where do you stand?
  • You’ll learn about various organizations’ statements on sexual rights and how they may influence your sex coaching practice.
  • You will learn about the intersection of various factors that impact sexual health: race, religion, gender, sex, orientation, and expression (to name a few).
  • You will find your voice and make your stand on at least three highly charged topics in sexuality.

105: Assessment and Action Plans

Being able to competently assess and plan for your clients’ success empowers you to be a highly effective and in-demand sex coach. Even if you’ve never worked as a clinician, this course will equip you with confidence to guide your clients through the whole process.

You will:

  • Understand why it’s so important to conduct an intake and sexual history with clients, starting with you.
  • Design an effective action plan for two client cases as a basic step in the sex coaching process.
  • Be able to define the main types of clients, their most common sexual concerns, and how to create effective action plans for them.

106: Contemporary Models: PLISSIT & MEBES®

The models you use are essential multi-tools in your sex coaching skill kit. When you’re comfortable with these models, you’ll be able to apply them to an incredibly wide range of sex coaching cases. How will your unique traits influence the way you use these established models?

This course will teach you:

  • The PLISSIT Model: What it is and how to use this model to work effectively with clients.
  • The MEBES® Model: What it is and how to use this model to assess a client’s needs.
  • How to create effective action plans using both MEBES® and PLISSIT.
  • Readings include materials on how MEBES® compliments other models such as psychotherapy and Dr. Gina Ogden’s 4D Wheel of Sexuality.

Module 2: Essentials of Our Profession

201: Basics of Coaching

Coaching may look simple, but it’s an art and science that requires nuanced skills. Even if you’ve never coached anyone, this course will give you the confidence you need to work with your very first client. You’ll use these skills for a lifetime, so pay close attention!

In this critical course:

  • You’ll go back to where coaching started and learn its origins.
  • You’ll learn about the Wheel of Life and how that may apply to your sex coaching practice.
  • You’ll learn the difference between Fear-Based vs. Faith-Based Operating Systems.
  • You’ll debunk the three biggest myths about sex coaching.
  • You’ll discover who would be a good candidate for sex coaching and why.

202: Life Stages of Sexual Development

What’s your sexual story? We all have a sexual story, which started at birth and will continue right until your last breath. In this course you’ll learn about sexuality throughout the whole lifespan, including why Comprehensive Sexuality Education is vitally important.

Here are the details:

  • Prepare to dive deep into your own history and explore the turning points, benchmarks and sexual milestones in your life so far.
  • You’ll learn about the key stages of sexual development in childhood and adolescence.
  • You’ll learn exactly why we need Comprehensive Sex Education and the consequences of the Abstinence-Only model.
  • You’ll learn about how the process of aging affects our sexuality and start to create an action plan for working with your senior clients.

203: Sex & the Body

Learn the science that will help you tackle a topic with which you’ll become very, very familiar: orgasms! After you finish this course, you’ll have a clear understanding of sexual anatomy and physiology, no matter your educational background.

In this course, you’ll learn:

  • Everything you need to know about the female G-Spot and female ejaculation.
  • Male sexual anatomy and physiology 101.
  • Female sexual anatomy and physiology 101.
  • The Sexual Response Cycle (SRC): What it is and why it’s so important to understand orgasm patterns and inhibitory/excitory pathways.

204: Male-Bodied Classic Sexual Concerns

Do you understand the needs of your future male sex coaching clients? Male sexuality comes with unique challenges. Is this the population you’re best suited to serve? This is a good time to consider your niche. Pay close attention to what interests you and pulls at you in this lesson.

You will:

  • Learn about the bi-phasic model of male sexual response related to orgasm and ejaculation.
  • Define and describe the top nine male sexual concerns.
  • Identify three top male sexual concerns and action steps for how to resolve them.
  • Describe five ways sex coaching can help men with Social and Dating Skills Deficit (SDSD), Delayed Ejaculation (DE), or Enhanced Pleasure (EP).
  • Discover your greatest strengths and unique gifts for working with male clients as a sex coach.

205: Female-Bodied Classic Sexual Concerns

What do your future female sex coaching clients need? Female sexuality presents its own set of unique challenges. Could this be the audience you’ll specialize in serving? Continue thinking of the niche you’d like to work in, and observe what interests you and makes you curious.

In this course, you’ll:

  • Define and describe the top nine female sexual concerns.
  • Identify three top female sexual concerns and action steps for how to resolve them.
  • Describe five ways to help women with orgasm difficulties (O), painful sex (PS), sexual inhibitions (SI), or sexual trauma (ST).
  • Discover your greatest strengths and unique gifts for working with female clients as a sex coach.

Module 3: Knowledge and Skills Enhancement

301: Attributes and Skills of a Great Sex Coach

“Are you sure you’re not a therapist?” Coaching and therapy may look similar in a lot of ways, but they take completely different approaches to help clients. After this course, you’ll have a rock-solid understanding of what makes coaching unique, as well as an understanding of what separates the best coaches from the rest. When you fully understand the teachings of this course, you’ll be able to position yourself as a top-tier sex coach.

This course will teach you:

  • How to dive deep into the attributes and characteristics of a great coach
  • The key differences between life coaching and therapy
  • How to create a safe container for your clients
  • The different levels of listening for effective coaching
  • How to integrate the MEBES® Wheel into the sex coaching process to facilitate real transformation

302: Couples: Sexual Concerns

It isn’t enough to know how to work with different kinds of individuals. Couples are far more complex, because you need to address the clients AND the relationship. If you aim to help them grow, it’s important to understand their particular sexual needs. After this course, you’ll feel more than ready to help them to overcome their concerns.

This course will teach you to:

  • Analyze differences in couples’ sexual styles.
  • Define and describe the top eight couples’ sexual concerns.
  • Evaluate how best to address concerns in the unique constellation of couples.
  • Assess and develop an action plan to support a couple based on a sample scenario.

Course 303: BDSM, CNM, & Sacred Sex

Clients will present with a wide range of sexual styles and preferences. You need to learn how to coach them all! How much do you know about kink and spiritual sex? What about consensual non-monogamy? Regardless of your experience level, this course will prepare you to offer expert guidance that keeps your clients safe and happy while they play. 

In this course, you will:

  • Learn about the variety of ways people experience and explore sex and relationship.
  • Identify essential elements of BDSM play, including negotiation and consent.
  • Define and describe BDSM, CNM, and Sacred Sexuality client types.
  • Construct action plans for the Consensual Non-Monogamy and “Porn Addiction” clients.
  • Identify resources and practices for clients interested in Sacred Sex. 

Course 304: Special Circumstances: Pregnancy, Disabilities, & Medical Issues

This course will give you the info and skills to help clients with special circumstances that impact their experience of sex. Are you ready to support new parents? Do you have the creativity to explore alternatives that increase access to more pleasurable sex for persons with physical disabilities?

In this course, you will:

  • Identify three strategies to support a couple who is dealing with pregnancy-related concerns, including trying to conceive (TTC), pregnancy, and post-partum. 
  • Outline action plans for persons with disabilities that address their specific needs. 
  • Describe how you would address questions related to medical concerns, such as medications or specific conditions.

305: Ethical Standards & Practices

All sex coaches will encounter challenges during their career. Learning what kinds of challenges are possible and how to respond to those situations will empower you and your business to recover better and faster. No matter when difficulties arise, this course will give you the mindset and savvy to protect yourself, your clients, and your practice.

As a result of this course, you will:

  • Understand what legal issues may or will affect you as a sex coach and how you can protect yourself.
  • Explore the ethical and legal binds that could come up for you in your work.
  • Apply ethical standards to potential ethical practices conflicts that may occur.
  • Explore what additional training courses or educational resources you may need to supplement your training.

Module 4: Synthesis

401: The Coaching Practice

What will your “day to day” look like as a sex coach? How will you go from where you currently are to having a thriving, consistently full private practice? This course will show you the way.

In this course:

  • You’ll discover how to move your client forward in the sex coaching process to help them realize their goals.
  • You will learn the key elements on how to build and manage your private practice as a sex coach.
  • You’ll define your ideal business goals, strategies, and overall plan to make your practice a financial success.
  • You will envision your future potential success as a Certified Sex Coach™.

402: Challenging Situations & Clients

All sex coaches will encounter challenges during their career. Learning what kinds of challenges are possible and how to respond to those situations will empower you and your business to recover better and faster. No matter when difficulties arise, this course will give you the mindset and savvy to protect yourself, your clients, and your practice.

As a result of this course, you will:

  • Understand what legal issues may or will affect you as a sex coach and how you can protect yourself.
  • Explore the ethical and legal binds that could come up for you in your work.
  • Learn about difficult client types and to handle them in your sex coaching practice.
  • Explore what additional training courses or educational resources you may need to supplement your training.
  • Write a brief pitch letter promoting your sex coaching services.

403: Integration of Sexology & Coaching

This is where it all comes together! You’re almost finished with your sex coach training journey. Reflecting on your experience will reinforce what you know, invite you to think critically about your work, and give you a beautiful reminder of how far you’ve come!

In this course, you will:

  • Summarize what you have learned in this training program.
  • Distinguish between the “what” of sexology and the “how” of coaching. Describe how they integrate and weave together to prepare you as a sex coach.
  • Assess and create action plans for select client scenarios.
  • Discuss your conclusions from viewing actual sample cases (VIDEO DEMOS) and how that viewing experience impacts your competency as a sex coach.

404: Practicum

This is where theory meets application: it’s time for your practicum! These are your first sex coaching sessions. It may be a supervised practice, but it’s very real. After your student advisor—who has been your Supervisor on this journey—observes three of your practicum sessions, you’ll learn your strengths and areas of growth as a real, practicing sex coach.

During this course, you will:

  • Conduct a series of effective one-on-one sex coaching sessions with practice clients to test everything you’ve learned so far.
  • Write up detailed case reports and assessments for each participant in your practicum experience, using the PLISSIT and MEBES® models.
  • Design dynamic action plans for each participant in your practicum experience to help them realize their sexual goals.
  • Engage in a realistic, honest, and thorough self-assessment of your knowledge, skills, and competencies as a sex coach based on your practicum experience.

405: Thriving, Flourishing, & Sustaining Yourself

Congratulations on making it to the end of the SCU Certified Sex Coach training program! The final lesson is one of the most important: how to take care of yourself. In order for your business to thrive, you must thrive, as well. After all, YOU are your business, so the health of your business and your personal health—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—are intrinsically linked.

In this course, you will:

  • Create your own action plan to practice Extreme Self-Care (ESC) so you can keep yourself healthy and happy.
  • Discover how to identify energy drainers vs gainers: All the tools and resources you can use to maintain your business.
  • Explore and create your own unique vision for your career future.
  • Create your personal blueprint for success.
  • Design your Emergency Disaster Recovery Plan when you hit a bump in the road.