WASC Survey on The Impact of Covid-19 on Sexual Behavior
The Impact of COVID-19 on Sexual Behavior
A survey sponsored by the World Association of Sex Coaches
In cooperation with Sex Coach U
In cooperation with Sex Coach U
In order to better understand the global impact of COVID-19 on sexuality, and to generate ideas about how to help people deal with the fallout from this time period, the World Association of Sex Coaches (WASC) teamed up with Sex Coach U (SCU) to produce an informal international survey to examine these issues. We are devoted to discovering how we can best serve the needs of the people who rely on us for assistance.
Our survey ran from April 15, 2020 until June 5, 2020, and we received 921 responses. Of these, 12 were disqualified.
All survey questions, aside from the two qualifying statements (Q1 “I am 18 years or older” and Q2 “I grant permission for anonymous use of my survey responses for the benefit of sexual health in the world”) were voluntary.
The majority of our respondents were aged 25-54 (521 respondents); ages ranged from 18 to 65+.
Respondents came from 37 countries on all six populated continents: North and Central America (355 respondents), Europe (200), Africa (45), Australia and New Zealand (19), Asia (6), South America (2). This data represents 627 of the 921 respondents.
The data on the following pages represents the more noticeable trends captured by our survey. We are sharing our findings so we can all serve our communities more effectively.
This material is copyrighted by WASC and SCU. You may reference this report and our results with full credit and by including a link to our original report: https://sexcoachu.com/wasc-survey-covid-19-sexual-behavior/
If you wish to republish any of our graphics or verbatim analysis, please write to us at
SCUSurveys@SexCoachU.com for permission.
Click the link below to view the results: