Thank you for your interest in writing guest posts for the Sex Coach U blog.
We publish essays targeting practicing and aspiring sex coaches and other sexuality professionals. Our pieces are not intended for a consumer audience. This is a great way to get your name in front of your peers and expand your professional network. This opportunity also allows you to establish or extend your thought leadership and your expert authority.
We are currently planning on publishing one to two guest posts per month. We are only accepting submissions from members of our community: current students, grads, WASC members, or webinar guest instructors. We do not pay for guest posts, nor do we accept payment for guest posts.
Articles must be written in English, well-proofread, and useful and helpful to practicing and aspiring sex coaches on topics related to coaching, sexology, sex coaching, business, or marketing.
The editorial team at Sex Coach U will review your submission and decide whether or not to publish it. Submission does not guarantee publication. If we decide to move forward with publication, we will proofread and edit it, as necessary. You will not be consulted on minor proofreading corrections, but we may seek your approval for more substantive changes. This revision process will take place on Google Docs.
You will be notified what date we plan to publish your piece and if we need to reschedule publication for any reason. Be sure to mention in your submission if your piece is date-dependent and your preferred publication date range. Once your essay is live on the site, we will send you an email reminding you to share the link to your audience.
Please review our topic categories below and see if your idea fits.
If not, feel free to reach out to us at support@sexcoachu.com to discuss your idea.

Topic Categories
- Body Image
- Business and marketing
- Professional Advice
- Clients sexual concerns
- Specific types of clients
- Self care & mental health
- Relationships, love, intimacy
- Kink, CNM, Tantra, Sacred Sexuality
- Intersection of diversity and sexuality/sex positivity
- Asexuality
- Gender spectrum
- Neurodiversity and sexuality
- Don’t see a category your idea fits into? Suggest it!
- Writers: We are only accepting submissions from members of our community, specifically SCU students, grads, and members of WASC.
- No blatant advertising: Do not appear to be selling your services, your products, or your expertise. You may include one or more links in your bio.
- Originality: All submissions must be authored by you and not hosted on any existing platforms. You may not re-publish the piece in whole on your website, but you may publish a synopsis with a link back to the original on our site. We will ask you to import your story from our blog to our Medium.com publication.
- Correct audience: All submissions must be written to an audience of sex coaches or sex coaches in training.
- Grammar: All submissions should be well written and grammatically correct. Please use spell-check and also double-check that your piece adheres to the SCU Style Guide.
- Links: Including links from reputable sources can help support your points, but don’t rely too heavily on outside sources. Include no more than 3 outbound links and make sure they’re reputable sources. You may also freely include links to other essays on the SCU blog that may relate to your topic. Make sure all links are embedded.
General Guidelines
- Word Count: Word count should be 800-1500 words
- Subheadings: Include at least 2 subheadings
- Photos: Feel free to send copyright-free or Creative Commons photos with your submission, with full attribution and links. However, we reserve the right to select and use different images.
- Gravatar: Must have an up to date Gravatar including a bio and headshot
- Promotion: We will be sharing an excerpt of your essay in the SCU newsletter, and promoting your post on all of our social media channels. You are expected to promote your post to all of your networks of friends or followers (newsletter, social media, portfolio, etc.) Do not then repost your submitted content to your blog or anywhere else. It needs to remain original content posted only on the SCU blog and the SCU Medium.com account. You can, though, of course, discuss it, describe it, and link to it. A snippet of the post can reside on your blog that links to the post on our blog, directing people back to the original content.