Sex Coach U was founded in 2010 by Dr. Patti Britton and Dr. Robert Dunlap. 

Dr. Patti pioneered the whole profession of sex coaching in the early 1990s, after spending 20 years working in sexual education and sexual health.

As a fierce champion of sexual rights and freedoms, she struggled to work within the traditional medical paradigm, which treats sexual concerns as pathologies. She knew there had to be a more sex positive way of working with clients.

So Dr. Patti blended life coaching and clinical sexology to create sex coaching. She launched a private practice helping clients using this new approach, she wrote the first (and only) book on how to be a sex coach, and finally, she and Dr. Robert decided to create Sex Coach U to deliver comprehensive training in sex coaching.

After being introduced to the then-new field of life coaching, she decided to marry the concepts of clinical sexology with a positive, solutions-focused life coaching approach, and thus Sex Coaching was born!

Dr. Patti launched her own private sex coaching practice and spent over a decade successfully treating clients from this more sex positive approach. She developed her unique, holistic model for working with sex coaching clients, called the MEBES® Signature System.

She then wrote and published the first (and still only) book on how to become a sex coach, called The Art of Sex Coaching (2005, Norton Professional Books). 

In 2010, Dr. Patti and her beloved late business and romantic partner, Dr. Robert, decided it was time to start teaching this new sex coaching paradigm to others.

They were on a mission to prepare sex coaches all over the world to become caring, competent, compassionate containers, fully qualified and ready to address the sexual concerns of their clients.

By 2022, under Dr. Patti’s leadership, Sex Coach U had trained hundreds of students from 80 countries around the world and had achieved global recognition and respect. Our sex coaching organization is the only one to have been granted organizational membership status in the highly esteemed World Association of Sexual Health. 

We are also the only sex coaching program to have been Invited to present a Symposium on sex coaching at two World Sexology Congresses. 

And graduates of our program who also hold a Bachelor’s degree in a healthcare-related field can apply to the PhD program at the International Institute for Clinical Sexology, because our training is recognized as the equivalent of a Master’s degree program.

In early 2022, at 75 years old, Dr. Patti decided to step down from the leadership of the organization in order to pursue other passion projects. She is still teaching out the program to the last cohort of students who enrolled while she was at the helm.

Her legacy, her vision, and her mission continues under exciting new leadership. She personally hand-picked and trained the next generation of SCU Faculty!

If you’re looking for the most comprehensive, professional, and internationally-respected sex coach training and certification program in the world, sign up for our Interest List today to be kept up to date on our next enrollment period.