Our Stories
Self-Care for Sex Coaches
The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all of us across the planet. The news is relentless. The confinement can feel stifling. The fear and anxiety can be [...]
ASPEX Is Magical — Watch the Video!
By now, it's no secret that we're in love with the one-of-a-kind experience that is ASPEX. We know you'll love it, too! The kind of deep, [...]
IPV: What Sex Coaches Need to Know About It
Intimate partner violence (also known as domestic violence or abuse) can happen to any of us. Right now, while people are under shelter-in-place and quarantine orders, [...]
Enjoy These 17 Tips for a Greener Sex Life!
The health of our planet grows more concerning every day. Maybe you're already taking steps to reduce your impact: recycling materials, composting food waste for your [...]
Incorporating Sex Tech in a Long-Distance Relationship
As the threat of COVID-19 continues to spread, more couples are finding themselves at the mercy of the situation. Due to travel restrictions, pressing health concerns, [...]
What Are Sexual Rights and Why Are They Important?
Can you articulate what sexual rights are? Many sex positive individuals say they stand for sexual rights without being able to explain what they are and [...]
Love & Sexuality: Aces in Your Resilience Toolkit
If there's anything we can all agree on right now, it's this: things have certainly gotten very strange, very quickly. How have you been feeling? We're [...]
This Crisis Could Strengthen Your Sex Coaching Practice
In this time of a global pandemic—the first in over a century—we need to acknowledge that right now, things feel dark and uncertain. We're in a time [...]