Our Stories
Understanding Low Sexual Desire in Women
Have you experienced low sexual desire at some point in your life? Contrary to what the media will tell you, desire fluctuations are completely normal. However, [...]
Holding Space for Body Grief
Many of us have experienced body grief. In a society focused on always striving to do and be better versions of ourselves, we often make or [...]
Creating Ecstatic Communion Through Spiritual BDSM
The altar is set: candles, ritual objects, a sacred blade, a chalice. A devotee awaits on their knees. Another figure appears, delivering instructions: expectations for behavior, [...]
Peer Support is Powerful for Sex Coaches
When it comes to your work as a sex coach, do you ever feel lonesome? Sure, you have interactions with your clients, as well as friends [...]
Working with Women’s Sexual Shame & Pleasure
When you hear “The Pleasure is Ours,” what do you think of? Do words such as “empowerment” and “sex-positivity” pop into your head? This is what [...]
Correct Terminology is Important: Vulva vs Vagina
As sex coaches, it's vital that we use correct terminology for sexual anatomy. Do you know the difference between the vagina and the vulva? Do you [...]
Sex Robots: Are They the Future?
Part of our work as sex coaches is to keep up to date on the latest developments in the field of human sexuality. As you may [...]
Helping Sex Coaching Clients Find Their Voice
When a client enters your sex coaching office, they bring with them a multitude of voices. The voices of their parents and guardians, teachers and mentors, [...]