Our Stories
How Sex Coaches Can Address The Zeigarnik Effect
About a year and a half ago, I learned about something called the Zeigarnik Effect. Being the curious cat that I am, I fell down a [...]
Three New Year Rituals to Help Entrepreneurs Get Clear on Their Visions
Being an entrepreneur is not always easy, but owning and operating your own business as a sex coach can reap so many benefits to your personal [...]
How Sex Coaches Honor the Winter Solstice
The season of the longest night may be upon us, but here at SCU, we welcome the winter solstice (which hits December 21st) with open arms [...]
What To Do If Your Client Says They’re Experiencing Lesbian Bed Death
As sex coaches, we often encounter clients who wonder if the amount of sex they’re having is “normal.” This is not surprising considering how prevalent the [...]
How Your Clients Can Still Have Safe BDSM Fun While Pregnant
Working with clients through pregnancy can introduce unexpected questions to coaching: “Will sex hurt my baby?” “Can my baby feel my partner’s penis?” “Is orgasm okay?” [...]
Help Your Clients Reduce STI Stigma by Starting with Yourself
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) might not be the sexiest topic in sexology, but as a sex coach, you can help make it a more sex-positive, pleasure-inclusive [...]
Performative Gratitude Leads to Resentment: How to Quit Faking It
It’s November, and in the United States, that means it’s officially “The Holiday Season” (even though I’ve seen Christmas decor available in my local stores for [...]
What is Sapiosexuality & Why Your Clients May Struggle with That Term
What is a Sapiosexual? Sapiosexual refers to a person who finds intelligence the most sexually attractive element of another person. A quick google search of the [...]